
Six correctional centres return to Stage 2 restrictions

Six correctional centres have returned to Stage 2 Queensland Corrective Services restrictions due to the COVID-19 positive case in south-east Queensland.

The decision was made yesterday by QCS Commissioner Peter Martin APM based on advice from the Chief Health Officer (CHO) and the State Health Emergency Coordination Centre.

The centres which have returned to Stage 2 restrictions are:

  • Arthur Gorrie CC
  • Brisbane CC
  • Borallon CC
  • Wolston CC
  • Brisbane Womens CC
  • Southern Queensland CC

Consequently, all personal visits to those centres have been suspended. While professional visits are continuing at this stage, all people entering correctional centres are subject to thermal imaging and health screening.

The restrictions also mean that all new receptions into the nominated south-east Queensland centres will again be subject to 14-day isolation protocols, as per QCS policy. This will include prisoners who have been required to leave a correctional centre to attend court in person.

The restrictions will be reviewed regularly in line with advice from the CHO.

TR CoCounsel

This information is also available from the QCS internet site, which also includes the QCS hot spot planning tool for all stages.

Sentence Management Services staff have commenced emailing relevant courts to advise of the isolation policy and to seek advice on whether a prisoner is able to appear via video conferencing. If this is not acceptable to the court, QCS will present the prisoner in person and they will undergo the 14-day isolation period upon their return to QCS custody.

Could practitioners who attended the Brisbane Youth Detention Centre on or after Sunday 16 August, and subsequently visited any additional correctional facilities please advise QLS? Names are not required, only the centres visited and time of the visits. This will assist QCS determine whether extra precautions are required at specific centres.

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