
Digital inclusion theme for IAID

International Access to Information Day (IAID) will be celebrated on Thursday, 28 September.

The Solomon Lecture is an annual event that marks the importance of the Right to Information Act 2009 and its role in transparency and accountability of government and a lead-up event to IAID.

This year’s keynote was delivered today by Talei Elu, a community advocate for digital inclusion and member of the Queensland Government First Nations Consultative Committee. She is also a member of the First Nations Digital Inclusion Advisory Group and Queensland Young Australian of the Year 2023.

This year the IAID theme in Queensland is Digital inclusion: Connecting people to information.

The 2023 Australian Digital Inclusion Index Report found digital inclusion across the nation is improving, but the benefits are not being shared by all Australians.

While the number of highly excluded Australians has declined, some groups are more likely to lack the required resources to participate fully in contemporary economic, social, and civic life. These include remote First Nations communities, older Australians, and people on the lowest incomes.

TR CoCounsel

For more information or to view the lecture, visit

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