
Meet the Honourable Justice Peter Applegarth AM

Applegarth J

About the Honourable Justice Peter Applegarth AM

The Honourable Justice Peter Applegarth AM is a judge of the Supreme Court of Queensland.

Articles by the Honourable Justice Peter Applegarth AM

Two eminent jurists will share their insights into the role and running of Commissions of Inquiry, at a free event next week.
the Honourable Justice Peter Applegarth AM
If 19th century Queensland politicians are to be indicted for their blame in permitting frontier violence to occur, many would be indicted before Griffith.
the Honourable Justice Peter Applegarth AM
Justice Peter Applegarth AM looks at the judicial philosophy of recently retired US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and how it conflicted with recent controversial decisions.
the Honourable Justice Peter Applegarth AM
Justice Peter Applegarth AM previews a significant lecture on commercial law by Professor Sir Ross Cranston QC.
the Honourable Justice Peter Applegarth AM

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