
Meet Glen Cranny


About Glen Cranny

Glen Cranny is a leading Queensland criminal lawyer, a QLS accredited specialist in criminal law and Managing Director of Gilshenan & Luton.​ Glen is a leading author in the areas of criminal law and disciplinary investigations in Queensland. He was a member of the Queensland Law Society’s inaugural criminal law specialist accreditation committee, and was the Chair of the Law Society’s criminal law section from 2008 to 2014. In 2010 Glen was appointed as a Senior Counsellor of the Queensland Law Society. He is a panel member appointed by both the society and the Queensland Bar Association to assist other lawyers with professional complaint matters. In 2019, Glen was awarded the Queensland Law Society President’s Medal, in recognition of his dedication to community access to justice, law and policy reform, upholding the rule of law and administration of justice for Queenslanders.

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