
In practice

The claims included accusations of intimidation, conspiracy, and intentional interference with contractual relations.
Libby Thomas
The Plaintiff was a meter reader for a water corporation at the time of the incident.
Tim McClymont
The scandal prompted the Federal Government to undertake a range of measures, including review of the use of LPP in Commonwealth investigations.
Shane Budden
The defendant submitted that its duty of care did not extend to preventing incidents which took place outside of its operating hours and off school grounds.
Shelby Bennett
Courts outside of Australia are moving towards accepting that crypto assets are property. Recent decisions in the United Kingdom, Singapore, New Zealand and Hong Kong affirm that position.
Mark Steele KC, Roman Micairan
A pre-mediation meeting allows for time to be spent for the mediator to learn about a client’s life in ways that might matter later.
Walter Sofronoff KC
On 13 November 2024, the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee published its report on the Bill, recommending it be passed with some minor amendments.
Kate Brodnik

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