
Subpoena Colada tastes victory

Subpoena Colada won the mixed netball competition on Friday night. Photos: Geoff McLeod

Honan Family Law Associate Jessica Matthews liked the look of the Queensland Law Society mixed netball trophy so much that she entered her work team in Friday’s competition.

It paid off with Subpoena Colada not only winning the grand final 33-5 against Goal Diggers, but picking up the Best Team Name prize.

Runners-up Goal Diggers from Enyo Lawyers.

And the netball enthusiast was excited that her rookie team, made up of current and former colleagues and university friends, won in its first time in the competition.

“I’ve been playing netball competitively for almost 18 years and many of my colleagues (past and present) know this as I’d often be running out of the office at 6pm in my uniform with three or four bags on my way to training or a game,” Jessica told Proctor.

“The first time the QLS email came through promoting the competition, some people emailed it to me enthusiastically. To be honest though, we didn’t register a team until I saw a photo of the previous winners with the big trophy, and I told my boss that the trophy would look good in our office.

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“Netball is a big part of my life, and it was really nice to share that with my colleagues and have my firm be so enthusiastic about it too.”

The winning name was also a team effort.

“My boss took to social media to invite inspiration for our name, but it was ultimately found by ‘research’ (Googling) of law-related puns and legal inspired team names. Subpoena Colada was my submission because the play on words was too good to go past.”

The Best and Fairest Player, as judged by the umpires, was Ben Pager from It’s Confidential.

There was a lucky door prize.

Jessica said she was impressed by both the skill level and sportsmanship of everyone who played.

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“It was great to see experienced players helping those who were new to the sport or unfamiliar with the rules,” she said.

“Unfortunately, we didn’t get to play against the Bar Flies as they were in our pool, and we missed them in the fixture rounds, but we watched them warm up and it was clear how they’d won two years in a row.

“Our team had a scratch match one round as a team in our pool unfortunately had to pull out late on the day due to illness. The Rose Litigation team saw our team standing on the court alone and kindly volunteered to play so we didn’t miss a game. They had an epic cheer squad, and this match was the beginning of our impromptu supporters club for the tournament.

“By filling in for our game, the Rose Litigation team played three games back to back and we were so appreciative that our team went and cheered them on in their next game. They returned the support and cheered for us in the final.

“It was also really nice to see people’s children and families at the event supporting and cheering as spectators. All of the people who graciously turned down my invite to join me on court came along to spectate which was fun as they still felt part of the team.”

Legal Home Loans supported the competition as major partner.

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