Compensation law Dog attack ruling appealed The Plaintiff was a meter reader for a water corporation at the time of the incident. Tim McClymont
Compensation law Nuisance and negligence – procedure – expert evidence Enkelmann & Ors v Stewart & Anor [2023] QSC 111 Tim McClymont
Case notes Water sports accident – pre-existing undiagnosed spinal condition – characterisation of risk… Glover v Fuller (No.2) [2023] ACTSC 12 Tim McClymont
Case notes Insurance – motor vehicles – CTP insurance and like schemes – unidentified vehicle… Ford v Nominal Defendant [2022] QSC 179 Tim McClymont
Case notes Motor vehicle accident – truck rollover – limitation of actions… Dixon v Isis Central Sugar Mill Company Ltd & Ors [2022] QSC 185 Tim McClymont