
Queensland jury trials resume

Jury trials will resume in Queensland’s Supreme and District Courts on 21 February. 

Queensland’s Chief Justice Catherine Holmes AC and Chief Judge Brian Devereaux SC today (11 Feb) released a statement saying all new trials requiring a jury will resume, beginning with a limited number of trials of short duration (five days’ length or less). 

“Jurors will need to be masked when not eating and drinking, temperature checks will be conducted, and two reserve jurors will be empanelled for each trial,’’ the statement said.

“Any increase in the number of trials taking place will depend on the prevailing conditions and the effectiveness of the measures taken to ensure jury safety and confidence. 

“It is not anticipated that trials estimated to be of a longer duration than five days will resume before 1 April 2022.” 

The resumption comes after Queensland jury trials were suspended as a COVID-related precautionary measure on 11 January. 

TR CoCounsel
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