Admissions, Early career lawyers, News Firm celebrates two new solicitors Two Vocare Law solicitors were admitted to the profession in June.
Admissions Newly admitted lawyers celebrated December: Joshua Anderson, Prash Shrestha. November: Zachary Sudiro
Admissions OCFOS, VAJ Byrne & Co, Olsen Rhianna Kingsford, Foluke Toye-Salami, VAJ Bryne & Co Lawyers, Olsen Lawyers
Admissions New lawyers across Queensland Shania Trecia Fernandes, Kara Batchelor, Jameson Smith, Kerstin Hurle, Alexander Finn, Janai Tasselli, Tarnia Johnston, Oscar Millroy, Mary Larson, Katja Griesbach, Tylah Ekelund, Kes Spannenburg, Miad Jamali, Tallulah Magoffin