10 tips: How to start a podcast

Sunshine Coast solicitor Paul Brennan recently completed the 100th episode of his ‘Law’ podcast series, which he started during the pandemic.

In this article, he offers 10 tips for practitioners considering entering the wonderful world of podcasts.

  1. Buy a decent microphone. It will come attached to an extending arm and other apparatus which looks straight out of a 1930s BBC broadcast. You will put this together without instructions (there aren’t any) and plug it into your computer.
  2. Download a software program to help you record and edit the podcast.  I downloaded a software program called Audacity, as I think most people do. It is free. It is not hard to learn the basics with the help of YouTube videos, and there are many from which to choose.
  3. Recording. You will quickly work out the location of the ‘record’ button on the Audacity dashboard. You are ready to begin. Do so.
  4. The voice. You will find that a monotone voice which is quite acceptable for law and a drunken Saturday night, may not sound quite right. Do try and be upbeat.
  5. Editing. This involves listening to your own voice over and over again. Some of you may get sick of this, so try to get the recording as perfect as possible to save editing time. I fluctuate between the two options.
  6. The studio. You will find yourself moving away from your desk and recording in confined spaces around the house to improve the sound of the podcast. You will consider recording inside a wardrobe, but you will resist it. Eventually, I found myself recording in my car. It is not Abbey Road, but it works very well.
  7. Headphones are useful. Once on, you cannot hear your spouse. A disadvantage is that your older children will make fun of you.  
  8. Broadcast. I use a software program called Buzzsprout to broadcast my podcast through various platforms worldwide, including Apple and Spotify. Last year, there were 7000 downloads.
  9. What’s in a name? Whereas choosing the name ‘Law’ was good for the ego, a more creative approach would have initially made it easier for people to find.
  10. What are you waiting for? My podcasts rapidly improved just by trial and error. It is easy to procrastinate, therefore, get on with it or risk losing interest. 

Best of luck.

Sunshine Coast solicitor Paul Brennan has an extensive legal background in Australia, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.

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