Would any person or firm holding or knowing the whereabouts of a will or other document purporting to embody the testamentary intentions of LILLY VICTORIA MARCHALL of 121 Guanaba Road, Mt Tamborine Qld 4272, born 13/04/1996 and died 18/01/2025, please contact Erin Kerr of Pogson Cronin Kerr on 02 6049 4400 or
Would any person or firm holding or knowing the whereabouts of a will or other document purporting to embody the testamentary intentions of ANNA DADAI of 9 Ian Street, Thornside, Queensland, born 17/02/1935 and died 18/10/2024, please contact Joel Bove of Romans & Romans Lawyers on 07 3847 3333 or
Would any person or firm holding or knowing the whereabouts of a will or other document purporting to embody the testamentary intentions of EVA ELIZABETH BERRY of Regis Salisbury, 279 Lillian Avenue, Salisbury in the State of Queensland, born 23/1/1936 and died 11/12/2024, please contact Andrew Douglas of Andrew Douglas Solicitors on 07 5499 3777 or
Missing wills listed after June 2020 are available here.
Earlier listings appear in the Classifieds section of editions of Proctor, which are available in this archive.
New missing wills notifications received during the month are added to this webpage.
Queensland Law Society has updated the process for purchasing a missing will notification. Missing will notifications can now be purchased through the QLS Shop. QLS encourages member organisations working in the area of Wills & Estates to regularly check these notifications against their own records.
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