
Meet Glen Cranwell


About Glen Cranwell

Glen Cranwell is a member of the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal, and was formerly a member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. He has a Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours from the University of Queensland, and a Master of Laws from the University of Melbourne. He has practised in both the public and private sectors, having previously worked for Clayton Utz, Crown Law and the Australian Government Solicitor. Glen was the inaugural list manager of the Motor Vehicle List at QCAT from September 2019 to August 2021, and has written a number of articles to assist practitioners in navigating the new 'lemon laws'.

Articles by Glen Cranwell

The recent announcement that the Government will no longer seek to overturn the High Court’s decision in Love v Commonwealth is a reminder that the place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian constitutional framework has yet to be fully resolved.
Glen Cranwell
Glen Cranwell provides a ready reference guide for practitioners requiring assistance from interpreters, including practical tips to avoid legal matters becoming lost in translation.
Glen Cranwell

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