
Meet Kylie Downes QC

Kylie Downes

About Kylie Downes QC

Kylie Downes QC became a judge of the Federal Court on 2 August 2021. Previously, she was a barrister at Northbank Chambers, Brisbane. Her Honour was the author of Proctor's popular Back to Basics column from its inception in 2000 until 2021. She has presented at Queensland Law Society professional development events and served on the Proctor Editorial Committee from 2002 to 2021.

Articles by Kylie Downes QC

This article steps practitioners through the procedural and other requirements for preparing a Federal Court appeal.
Kylie Downes QC, Jane Menzies
Further evidence will only be allowed in particular circumstances in civil appeals in the Queensland Court of Appeal or the Federal Court of Australia.
Kylie Downes QC, Jane Menzies
This article reveals the key principles and some practical considerations when seeking, or advising on, a stay pending appeal.
Kylie Downes QC, Will LeMass

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