
Gatton customer centre transferred to DTMR

As of 14 September, the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) has transferred the Gatton One-Stop Shop (OSS) to Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) lead agency management.

This transfer mirrors the Regional Services Outlet (RSO) project in which 26 Queensland Government Agent Program sites (QGAPs) transferred from DJAG to DTMR between 2014-2018. As the Queensland Government has ended the OSS program, Gatton joins 85 QGAPs across the state in delivering multi-agency services under the QGAP model.

DJAG says the availability and quality of court services will not change as a result of this transfer. While there are no longer DJAG staff in Gatton, all existing Gatton staff have developed significant experience providing court and justice services under the OSS program. DTMR has no plans to change or reduce services and has proven its commitment to maintaining DJAG’s service standards at all QGAP sites which transferred under the RSO project.

To ensure court and justice work continues to be delivered to the same standard, Court Services Queensland has implemented a Hub and Spoke model for court work, where:

  • court lodgements continue to be accepted by appropriately trained staff in Gatton
  • the supporting Hub court in Toowoomba stores Gatton’s court files and ensures they are available when required for court
  • court circuits to Gatton continue to be supported as usual – Court Services Officers travel with the judicial officer from the Toowoomba Hub to hold court in Gatton and TMR counter staff will continue providing some assistance on court days
  • Toowoomba staff will now perform Gatton’s more complex court processing in DJAG’s system, QWIC.

Additionally, DJAG and DTMR continue to build and strengthen relationships at a local level so that minor issues can be managed locally.

If you wish to contact the Gatton QGAP site about any court or justice-related matters, you can still email the Gatton courthouse email address – – which will be monitored by the Hub court, or you can contact the Toowoomba Hub court direct.

TR CoCounsel
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