
A QLS first: Virtual Networking

2020 has almost come to a close and things are rapidly changing within the legal profession. But if it’s one thing these ‘unprecedented times’ have taught us, it’s how adaptable we really can be – especially when it comes to our ways of communicating.

Online platforms, Zoom meetings and chat rooms have become the new norm for hosting meetings, interviews, presentations and even socialising! Virtual networking is quickly becoming the way of the future and the sooner we become more comfortable in front of the webcam the better.

Next week, QLS is hosting our first ever VIRTUAL conference; the inaugural ‘Succession and Elder Law Festival’ aka – ‘SELF’. Hosted entirely online, practitioners are invited to enjoy a celebration of succession and elder law, presented by local and interstate leaders of industry and practice.

The 4-day festival concludes with a virtual ‘after party’ networking event hosted by the youngest QLS Councillor ever, Chloe Kopilovic.

So before the big night, we thought we’d share some tips to help you feel confident and contributing content comfortably from your own home, with a virtual cocktail or two!

  • Maintain proper eye contact
    Just like chatting in person, maintaining solid eye contact is crucial for connection. Understandably, keeping eye contact over a webcam can feel a little awkward, so why don’t you try this little trick: draw a smiley face on a post-it note and stick it right next to the camera! This way, you’ll always have a friendly face to focus on when chatting.
  • Be prepared and dress appropriately
    Even though you might be just sitting at home, first impressions are important and you being dressed appropriately (at least from the waist up!) is key.

    Just like you would an in-person event, be prepared with clear goals and conversation starters. Check out the attendee list and decide who you’d like to meet. What is your goal behind attending this event? Are you new in town and you just want to meet like-minded people? Maybe you’re looking for someone to partner with or a specific skill set. Whatever your goal, you usually have someone in mind who could help you meet it – This is no different in a virtual event. 
  • Take advantage of social media
    When invited to do so, take advantage of the chat feature and make sure you share your social media accounts or LinkedIn profiles – imagine you’re handing out virtual business cards!
  • Lights, Camera … action!
    Get your face out there and the only way to do that is with good lighting! Avoid sitting directly in front of windows and always make sure there are no fingerprints on your camera lens! Have a think about your background too and perhaps move any hanging laundry or clean up any messy bedrooms.

‘SELF’ runs from the 17th – 20th of November and tickets are selling fast! Register here today and get ready to celebrate #your2020SELF.

TR CoCounsel
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