
P&E Court: Updated COVID-19 arrangements

The Planning & Environment Court (P&E Court) has revised its temporary COVID-19 arrangements. 

The court has advised:

  • The temporary telephone appearances and court hearings arrangements no longer apply. 
  • For telephone appearances, the court reminds practitioners that paragraph 19 of Practice Direction 2 of 2020 provides for appearances by telephone where the presiding judge permits. 

Under the new ADR conference arrangements, unless the ADR Registrar grants permission for attendance by telephone or video link, parties are expected to attend an ADR conference in person. A request for a party or a party member to appear remotely must be made at the time of booking the conference.

The new document also addresses social distancing requirements in venues and, cleaning arrangements between conferences as well as other matters in relation to technology and conferencing equipment, including that practitioners and parties may need to bring their own conferencing equipment in certain circumstances. 

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