
QLS statement in support of legal profession

Text Queensland Law Society Statement

Youth justice is an issue of intense interest to our community.  The recent tragic loss of life has, once again, put the focus on this area of the law.

We recognise the grief of victims’ families and friends who have suffered the terrible loss we all most fear, as well as the clear and deeply held community expectation for steps to be taken to address youth crime. We recognise that we all have the right to feel safe in our public and private lives.

Queensland Law Society has been a long standing advocate for reform in the youth justice and criminal justice systems. In our advocacy, we have always been mindful to balance the need to protect children in the youth justice process and to protect the community from harm.

We support open and respectful public debate as a key part of developing evidence-based responses, particularly to the difficult issues we face in our community.

Recently we have received reports of lawyers and law firms being subjected to abuse and threats based on the clients they represent or the type of law they practice.

Lawyers as officers of the court, play a vital role in maintaining the rule of law. Lawyers are integral in ensuring all persons have access to due process in the criminal justice system.  Rule of Law can often seem an abstract concept, but its practical application is that every day, lawyers are in the courts representing criminal defendants. The importance of this role in a fair and just society upholding the rule of law cannot be overstated.

TR CoCounsel

Lawyers are essential agents of the administration of justice. That justice we require our judiciary to dispense without fear or favour, but according to law.

QLS stands with its members as they discharge their important obligations to the administration of justice.

All legal practitioners and judicial officers have the right to feel safe at work.

Queensland Law Society makes a priority of the wellbeing of all the Queensland legal profession. Members needing support are encouraged to call the QLS Ethics and Practice Centre on 07 3842 5843 or access LawCare on 1800 177 743.

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