
Queensland correctional centres move to Stage 3

All correctional centres in Queensland have moved to Stage 3 in response to the increasing transmission of COVID-19.

Stage 3 provisions include the cessation of all personal and professional (including legal) visits state wide until further reviewed.

Key Stage 3 requirements include:

Visits to prisons

Personal and professional (including legal) visits are suspended, with contacts via phone and video conferencing utilised in the alternative.

Court attendance

  • Production of prisoners for court attendance can continue where the court requires the in-person appearance. However, the use of Video Link appearances in order to minimise risk related to the movement of prisoners remains preferred.
  • Prisoners impacted by COVID-19 exposure or diagnoses may be subject to Queensland Health advice that will prevent movement from their accommodation. QCS will remain advised by Queensland Health on the ability for the prisoner to attend court appearances in these circumstances.

Quarantine of prisoners

TR CoCounsel

Any prisoner received into a correctional centre, including from a watchhouse or court, is required to quarantine for a cumulative 14-day period in a single cell insofar as is practicable and subject to Queensland Health advice. This applies to any prisoner who attends court and who then returns to the centre. The timeframe would also reset upon any movement out of the centre (including for court) if moved during an existing quarantine period (for daily trial attendance, for example).

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