
SEQ courts cancellation – Monday

The Senior Judge Administrator has advised that all matters listed for hearing in the Supreme Court (including the Court of Appeal) and District Court on Monday 28 February are adjourned to a date to be fixed.

The decision impacts the courts from Maryborough to Southport. Practitioners are advised to contact the relevant list manager, or associate to the presiding judge, in regard to a revised date.

For urgent matters, please contact the associate to Justice Sofronoff (Court of Appeal), Justice Bowskill (Supreme Court) or Judge Smith (District Court).

Justice Bowskill advised that Supreme Court and District Court registries would be open with a skeleton staff, and that the situation would be reviewed on Monday afternoon.

The Planning and Environment Court is taking similar steps – contact Judge Rackemann’s associate for urgent matters or new hearing dates.

Magistrates Court

Most Magistrates Courts in south-east Queensland will not be open to the public. The Chief Magistrate has advised of the arrangements for Monday.

Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal

QCAT President Justice Kerri Mellifont has advised that, due to the current extreme rain event in south-east Queensland, all QCAT matters that were scheduled for tomorrow, Monday 28 February, from Maryborough to the Queensland/New South Wales, border will be adjourned.

QCAT’s Brisbane Registry will also be closed to the public for the day. This information will be updated as required on the QCAT website.

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