
QLS seeks help to maintain your firm’s group cyber insurance

As most will be aware, cybercrime targeting the legal profession is a growing threat.

For the past few years, Queensland Law Society has purchased a group cyber-insurance policy (Cyber Essentials) which assists ‘Member Firms’1 experiencing cyberattack and data loss. (Learn more)

Cyber Essentials is supplied to eligible firms as a complementary member benefit. In many cases the cost of QLS membership is more than offset by this benefit alone.

To allow us to obtain renewal in 2022/23, we must supply the insurer with data about Member Firms’ cybersecurity preparedness. It is therefore important that all firms complete the 2022 Cybersecurity survey before 5pm on Wednesday 25 May.

It is:

  • Quick. Most firms will be able to complete it in under 10 minutes.
  • Anonymous. Your firm’s identity is not captured by QLS2 or passed on to the insurer. Only aggregate data is sent to them.
  • Useful. In addition to making it possible to obtain insurance for you, the survey questions can flag areas of vulnerability for confidential data.
  • Secure. The link to the survey form is on the QLS website. Information you give is held on the Qualtrics platform on Australian servers.

If you have any queries, please contact David Bowles at the QLS Ethics and Practice Centre by email ( or phone 07 3842 5843. Your assistance in completing the survey is greatly appreciated.

TR CoCounsel

1 Any firm (1) insured by Lexon and (2) in which all principals/partners are full QLS members.
2 The survey platform captures the IP address of the device used to submit the response, but this is not passed on to the insurer.

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