
Ceremony to mark retirement of Judge Julie Dick SC

Almost 50 years after starting her glass-ceiling-shattering career in the law, Queensland District Court Judge Julie Dick SC will be honoured with a valedictory ceremony as she steps down from bench.

The highly respected and admired Judge Dick is scheduled to retire late next week after more than two decades of judicial service, beginning as a District Court judge in 2000, a stint as Childrens Court of Queensland President (2007-2010) and an Acting Supreme Court judge (2011-12).

The ceremony to celebrate Judge Dick’s decades of public service will be open to all members of the legal profession and the public.

A statement released by the courts yesterday said:Legal practitioners and members of the public are advised that the District Court of Queensland will hold a Valedictory Ceremony to mark the retirement of Her Honour Judge Julie Dick SC on Friday 17 June 2022 commencing at 9:15am.’’

The valedictory is to be held in the QEII Courts of Law’s ceremonial Banco Court on Level 3.

Formally invited guests and legal practitioners will be shown to their seats on arrival at the Banco Court. Other practitioners and members of the public are welcome to attend. If the Banco Court reaches capacity, Court 3 on level 3 will be available as an overflow courtroom from which the ceremony can be viewed.

TR CoCounsel

Born in 1952, Judge Dick began her legal career as an articled clerk between 1973 and 1975, was admitted to the Bar in December 1975, and took silk when appointed Senior Counsel in November 1997.

She had an extensive practice in criminal law, appearing in nearly 50 murder trials and many other high-profile criminal matters.

Her myriad other professional achievements include memberships of the Law Reform Commission (Criminal Law Subdivision), the Committee of the Queensland Bar Association and the committee overseeing the 1997 Review of the Criminal Code.

Judge Dick was also was the inaugural Parliamentary Criminal Justice Commissioner (now known as the PCCC) between 1998 and December 2000 when she was appointed a District Court jJudge.

It is expected Judge Dick’s replacement on the bench will be announced in coming days.

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