
Police DFV responses inquiry – submissions deadline extended

The independent Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service (QPS) responses to domestic and family violence has extended its public submission deadline by a week – to 24 June.

Respected Childrens Court President Deborah Richards has been appointed to lead the inquiry, which is scheduled to open in Court 17 of Brisbane’s George Street Magistrates Court at 9.30am tomorrow.

Commissioner Richards on Monday announced the independent inquiry was open to written submissions from members of the public addressing issues covered within the scope of the inquiry.

The initial deadline posited was 17 June, however, Commissioner Richards said yesterday the submission deadline had been extended to 24 June 2022.

“The Commission is working within strict timeframes to deliver its final report by 4 October 2022, however as the Commission has been advised that some members of the community have experienced difficulties accessing the website, the deadline for submissions has been extended from 17 June 2022 to 24 June 2022,” she said.

“The Commission welcomes submissions from interested parties who have information that may assist the Commission with regard to any cultural issues that may exist as a barrier to optimal investigation of domestic and family violence matters.


“In examining these cultural issues, the Commission will consider individual cases, however, because of the Commission’s focus on the systemic issues affecting police responses and the limited timeframe allowed for the Inquiry, the Commission will not be investigating and making findings in relation to any individual cases which may be the subject of submissions received by it.”

Commissioner Richards also announced that previous submissions already made to the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce would not need to be resubmitted and would be taken into account during the inquiry.

The Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service responses to domestic and family violence was announced by Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk on 10 May, and commenced on 30 May.

Read our earlier report.

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