
QCAT practice direction on review of weapons decisions

Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal President Justice Kerri Mellifont has issued QCAT Practice Direction No.7 of 2022 – Applications for review of decisions made about weapons.

The practice direction outlines a new procedural approach by QCAT to reviews of a decision under the Weapons Act 1990. The most common type of decisions reviewed by QCAT are decisions by the Queensland Police Service to refuse, suspend or revoke a firearms licence.

It contains information that will assist the parties in understanding the process, and provide directions to the parties about some of the things they must do, including:

  • Compulsory conferences will only proceed in weapons matters where QCAT forms the view that it is desirable to do so.
  • A directions hearing will be held at an early stage of the process to assist the parties to know and understand the steps they must undertake and the timeframes for those steps to be completed; and when their final hearing will be.
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