
Alert on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers

A vulnerability in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge has been identified which allows criminals to circumvent the protections in web browsers and infect your computer from hostile websites.

There is evidence of attackers using this vulnerability now, and Google has rated the threat at the highest level : Critical (severity score 9.6/10)

So what must be done about it?

  • All computers using Microsoft Edge prior to version 107.0.1418.62 or
  • Google Chrome prior to version 108.0.5359.94

should be updated immediately. Updating browsers is easy and can either be done by your IT provider/team or by individual users, depending on your level of support.

More information.

This update should be done at work as well as at home. Browser updates are always important as browsers are your gateway to the internet, and a lot of sensitive information goes through them. This one is especially critical as the vulnerability could be used to attack the rest of the computer network as well.

TR CoCounsel

Update instructions:

  • Google Chrome (the ‘stacked dots’ in the upper right of your browser will be orange or red if an update needs to be done).
  • Microsoft Edge

This update should be applied as soon as possible.

A reminder that penalty excess applies to member firms claiming under the Queensland Law Society Cyber Essentials insurance if updates are not applied promptly. See more information about this important member benefit and learn what firms need to do to maintain cover.

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