
Law year opens with Brisbane church service

church service
Queensland Law Society was represented at the service by, from left, Council members Samantha Bolton, Immediate Past President Kara Thomson, Justin McDonnell, President Chloé Kopilović and Peter Jolly.

The Queensland legal profession this morning marked the beginning of a new law year with a ceremonial procession and church service at St John’s Anglican Cathedral in Brisbane City.

Governor of Queensland Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM joined Queensland Chief Justice Helen Bowskill, other senior judicial officers and some 180 members of the profession for the annual Opening of the Law Year Church Service.

“At the beginning of the legal year, we gather to renew our commitment to the service of the Crown and to all manner of people that we may, together, do right,” Chief Justice Bowskill said in opening the service.

Chief Justice Bowskill delivers the opening address. Image: Queensland Courts.

“We acknowledge a shared high calling, a common commitment to a justice that all can recognise, done without fear or favour, affection or ill will. So we seek God’s strength and guidance that we might remain true to our calling; informed, wise, and just.”

The Law Year Church Service demonstrates the collegial relationship between the court and the profession, and rotates around major Brisbane churches each year.

Today’s service was led by Dean of Brisbane, the Very Reverend Dr Peter Catt, at the cathedral at 373 Ann Street.

Justices of the Supreme, Federal, District, Industrial and Magistrates Courts, parliamentary representatives, faith leaders, members of the consular corps and the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal also attended the service.

The Crown Law Choir, directed by Anne Edwards and made up of representatives from Crown Law, the Department of Justice and Attorney-General, as well as members of the broader legal profession, performed throughout the service.

The 9.30am service was preceded by the ceremonial procession of senior legal officials and dignitaries into the cathedral.

church service
Opening of the Law Year Church Service, 2023. Image: Queensland Courts.

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