
Amendments to Admission Rules

Amendments have been made to the Supreme Court (Admission) Rules 2004 (‘Admission Rules’) effective 1 May 2024.

Applicants for admission to the legal profession should in particular note that changes have been made to timeframes which apply under the Admission Rules:

  • Rule 11 (Application and Affidavit of compliance to be filed in the Court)
    o Subrule (1) applications for admission are required to be filed at least 42 days before the sitting
    o Subrule (2) affidavits of compliance are required to be filed at least 21 days before the sitting
  • Rule 12 (Notice of intention to apply)
    o Subrule (2) an applicant’s notice of intention to apply for admission in Form 9 must be displayed in the registrar’s office in Brisbane and, for an application to the Court in Rockhampton, Townsville or Cairns, in the registrar’s office at the relevant place, at least 42 days before the sitting
    o Subrules (3 and 4) an applicant must arrange for their notice of intention to apply for admission in Form 9 to be published once in a publication approved by the Chief Justice under a practice direction, i.e. the Queensland Law Reporter. This notice must be published at least 21 days, but not more than 42 days, before the sitting
  • Rule 13 (Documents and fee to be given to the Board)
    o Subrule (2) an applicant is required to provide a copy of their application and relevant supporting documents to the Board at least 42 days before the sitting
    o Subrule (3) an applicant is required to provide a copy of their affidavit of compliance to the Board and pay the prescribed fee to the Board at least 21 days before the sitting.

    The above amendments to Rules 11, 12 and 13 apply to admission sittings held on or after 3 June 2024. For sittings held before 3 June 2024, the previous timeframes in the Admission Rules continue to apply.
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