
Medal for Bond’s top alumni

Young Alumni Award winner Xavier Phillips, Robert Stable Medal Winner Derek Cronin, and Alumni Award for Community Achievement Award winner Alexandra Stratigos.

Gold Coast lawyer Derek Cronin has collected Bond University’s top alumni award, 35 years after he walked into class as one of the university’s first 322 students.

Derek received the Robert Stable Medal during the university’s Homecoming Week last week, for exceptional achievement in his field.

The founder of Cronin Miller Litigation Lawyers was among the original Bond students from 1989, known as the 892s.

In the years since graduating, he has been an advocate for equality and inclusion, and maintained close ties with his alma mater.

He served on the Bond University Council from 2015 to 2023, was Chair of the Bond Alumni Advisory Board for six years, and is a member of the Bond Law Advisory Board.

Outside Bond, he contributed his legal and advocacy skills to the Queensland AIDS Council as its Vice-President from 2012 to 2018 and has advocated for increased government funding for the Gold Coast Project for Homeless Youth as a member of its board.

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“I feel the connection I have with Bond is so strong because of what the university has done for me from a young age,” he said.

“The Bond spirit is what we live with when we attend the university, and it stays with us.

“I’ve been in London, New York, Hong Kong and Dubai over the years, and whenever I’m in another part of the world, I always manage to find a Bondie to catch up with.”

Sydney solicitor Alexandra Stratigos, who completed her law degree at Bond in 2007, collected the Alumni Award for Community Achievement.

Businessman Xavier Phillips, who completed a Bachelor of Entrepreneurial Transformation at Bond last year, won the Young Alumni Award.

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