
New chapter begins

Andrew Lambros
New Managing Director Andrew Lambros has spent his career at Bennett & Philp. Photos: Supplied

After more than two decades as Bennett & Philp Lawyers Managing Director, Lance Pollard has passed the baton to a solicitor he originally took on at the Brisbane firm, Andrew Lambros. 

Lance Pollard

Having started his career at Bennett & Philp, Andrew will have Lance’s continued support, along with that of Director Michael Coates. 

“I started my legal career at Bennett & Philp when Lance hired me as a newly admitted solicitor to work in litigation with him. Lance always stressed the importance of taking a long-term view in both training staff and client development,” Andrew said. 

“This attitude is why I have stayed at the firm throughout my career and also why we have a lot of very loyal and long-standing staff, clients and referrers. 

“I am looking forward to working with our current directors and staff to maintain this long-term focus to ensure we know what our clients’ future legal needs are and that we provide them with all the legal assistance and advice they need so that they can succeed in their business and in their own personal goals.”

Lance remains a Director in the Business Advisory team. 

TR CoCounsel

Reflecting on the past two decades, Lance said:  “As I witness Andrew and Michael’s progression with our firm, I am filled with a sense of accomplishment. 

“The collective growth of Michael and Andrew exemplifies the strength of the capabilities we have grown at Bennett & Philp and I couldn’t be prouder to support them in this new era.”

Michael Coates
Michael Coates

Michael paid tribute to Lance, saying: “Lance’s impact on the firm with his guiding hand over many years was, and is, profound. 

“I also owe a great debt to Lance for his contribution to my professional progression when I started out as an articled clerk in 2000 and for many years thereafter.

“We should all be grateful to Lance for the many years he has devoted to the firm and the sacrifices that he has made to nurture and grow the firm and its staff. 

“I now look forward to working closely with Andrew to assist him in building on the solid foundation established by Lance.”

TR CoCounsel

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