Newbie lawyers in Central Queensland can next week hear directly from the bench what is expected from them.
Queensland Young Lawyers and Central Queensland Law Association (CQLA) Young Lawyers will present the CPD session What Judges in Central Queensland Want next Friday night at the Old Supreme Court Chambers in Rockhampton.
Attendees will hear from four Rockhampton resident judicial officers: Supreme Court Justice Crow, District Court Judge Clarke, Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia Judge Demack, and Magistrate Beckinsale.
CQLA Young Lawyers chair Kat Walker said all lawyers and law students from the region were welcome to attend.
“The aim of the event is to bring the local profession together, learn what our judges look for from us, and see where we can improve professionally; and is a great opportunity to network with old and new faces within the profession,” she said.
The 16 August event will be held from 5pm to 7pm, with the CPD session from 5.30pm to 6.30pm.
Tickets are free for CQLA members or $10 for non-members. A 7pm dinner at the Parker Room at the Criterion will follow the event. Dinner bookings and questions for the judges can be emailed to Kat Walker at
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