
Pin recipient plays mentor role

QLS President Rebecca Fogerty congratulates David Simpson on 25 years in the profession. Photos: Supplied

As Legal Practitioner Director, David Simpson knows the importance of his leadership role for early career lawyers on the Sunshine Coast.

And David was reminded of that on Wednesday night as he received his 25-year membership pin at the Queensland Law Society’s Celebrate Recognise Socialise event at the Maroochy Surf Club.

Judge Cash with John Gallagher and David.

“It marks a degree of longevity in what is a rewarding career, but also does come with its fair degree of challenges and stresses,” he said.

“It reminds me that I have a role to play and do play as a Managing Director of a legal firm to pass on the baton to the younger members of the profession and provide them with support and mentorship and hopefully see a few of them reach that milestone in the future.”

The Simpson Quinn leader was first attracted to the advocacy aspect of the law and “a sense of social justice”.

“And an idea that I could make a difference in people’s lives by being able to help them, often through difficult or tumultuous times,” he said.

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“The ability to be able to use intellect, knowledge and reasoned argument to advocate on people’s behalf and seek to provide outcomes that are just and or reasonable within the law.

“I have been lucky on reflection to have had a number of people who have provided me with advice and support over my career to date and at significant times, from my Master undertaking articles, barristers, colleagues, employers and family who have all had a role in shaping my career.”

SCLA President Mala Heffernan.

And the regional practitioner enjoys the opportunities that the area presents and “the variety that it offers in terms of clients, large and small, and the types of matters that come across the desk”. 

“Where general practices are becoming less prevalent, and there are more specialty or boutique practices, there is an ability to have a breadth of experience and exposure to varied and interesting legal matters.  I also enjoy the collegiality of regional practice.”

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