

Do you have a personal brand, and why would you need one? Turns out you already have a brand – and the question is all about how you can control it and make it work for you, instead of leaving it up to chance.
Rebecca Niebler
Relationships are important, especially in the legal profession. Do you feel “guilty” for not networking enough, or under pressure to do more of it? Before you get more business cards printed to distribute at the next networking event, let’s have a closer look at the difference between networking and connecting with people.
Rebecca Niebler
Much time, energy and attention have been directed at diversity and inclusion initiatives in the legal profession in recent years.
Teagan Lewis
Feedback is an essential career development tool which allows you to learn and grow in your role, both professionally and personally. Unfortunately, not everyone gets it.
Rebecca Niebler
As restrictions have started to ease in recent weeks, many of us have returned to our workplaces, visited friends and family members again, and slowly returned to a more interactive lifestyle.
Rebecca Niebler
Mental ill-health is not a minor problem – neither in Australia nor in the legal profession.
Rebecca Niebler
‘How you doin’?’, said with a heavy New York accent, always makes me think of Joey Tribbiani from hit ’90s sitcom Friends.
Sandra Pepper
Dealing with rapid change, uncertainty and ongoing disruption to our professional and personal lives is difficult.
Rebecca Niebler
While #wfh is not a new concept, the fact that it is now the norm for many has caused unprecedented difficulties in our interactions with key stakeholders, and potentially, family members.
Rebecca Niebler
Why do we keep hearing ourselves say “yes”, even though all we can think of is a loud and clear “No”?
Rebecca Niebler
Showing kindness to ourselves, practising radical acceptance of who we are and taking care of our emotional, mental and spiritual needs are not things that are taught to us much, if at all.
Rebecca Niebler
Self-awareness is a fundamental prerequisite to having strong personal boundaries.
Rebecca Niebler
Being pushed into sudden change, having to give up comfortable practices and / or long-standing habits can be difficult.
Rebecca Niebler

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