

A Senior Associate at Michael Lynch Family Lawyers, Kathleen was one of 22 lawyers recognised for 25 years of QLS membership at the Celebrate, Recognise, Socialise function in Brisbane late last week. 
The Principal of Susan Moriarty & Associates was one of 22 QLS members to be acknowledged for her professionalism at the Celebrate, Recognise, Socialise event.
Natalie Gauld
Michael Klug was also one of five lawyers who founded Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution (LEADR), now the Resolution Institute.
Natalie Gauld
Dr de Groot was one of six 50-year QLS pin recipients who received a gold pin from current President Chloé Kopilović under a new recognition format.
Natalie Gauld
The Queen Street Legal Group Principal was one of six 50-year Queensland Law Society pin recipients last night at the Celebrate, Recognise, Socialise event in Brisbane.
Natalie Gauld
Dr Frank Dwyer could see the benefits of forging relationships with Japan back in the eighties and encouraged his son Frank to study Japanese and law.
Natalie Gauld
Shows like Rumpole of the Bailey and Paper Chase on Malaysian television inspired Gold Coast Principal Jade Chee growing up.
Natalie Gauld
The Ruddy, Tomlins & Baxter (RTB) Director was presented with a Queensland Law Society 50-year membership pin at the Celebrate, Recognise, Socialise event in Townsville.
Natalie Gauld
Despite the QLS President's plane being turned around, Tuesday night's Celebrate, Recognise, Socialise event went ahead with Stuart Naylor receiving his 25-year pin.
Natalie Gauld
Over the next two decades, he was widely regarded as the architect of the first international legal practice in Australia, Norton Rose Fulbright.
Natalie Gauld
The Sunshine Coast Law Association is the second largest DLA in the state, with 497 current practising certificate holders across the region.
Natalie Gauld

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