
Truth Telling Inquiry members named

Brisbane Barrister Joshua Creamer has been appointed as the Chair of the Truth Telling and Healing Inquiry.

The Queensland Government today announced members of the Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry and First Nations Treaty Institute. The Inquiry will act independently to listen and record stories, educate and build understanding about First Nations history and culture, and make recommendations for next steps.

Joshua is a Waanyi and Kalkadoon man with connections to north-west Queensland who specialises in human rights, class actions and native title.

Joshua Creamer
Joshua Creamer

He was previously a member of the Board of Legal Aid Queensland and a past President of the Indigenous Lawyers Association of Queensland.

Other members of the inquiry include former Supreme Court of Queensland judge the Honourable Roslyn Atkinson AO and Federal Court judicial registrar Ivan Ingram.

The new Chair, who starts on 1 July, said: “It will be incredibly important that the community has confidence to share in this process as we work to acknowledge the complete history of the colonisation of Queensland.

TR CoCounsel

“I know this body of work will change the future in a positive way for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Queensland, and Queensland more broadly.”

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