
Human Rights

This week is Human Rights Week which will culminate on Human Rights Day and this year's theme is All Humans are Born Free and Equal in Dignity and Rights.
Nicola Field
The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights published a report yesterday calling for the establishment of a federal Human Rights Act.
Natalie Gauld
Veteran lawyer Bill Mitchell told the gathering at the Hilton Brisbane about how human rights intersected with succession and elder law.
Sally Crosswell
This Friday is International Human Rights Day, marking the culmination of Human Rights Week in Queensland. This article joins other QLS Proctor features in marking this important event.
Steve Wettenhall
Employment law and human rights experts Kristin Ramsey and Dan Rogers provide a legal context for the rapidly evolving issues springing from the mandatory vaccination regime.
Kristin Ramsey, Dan Rogers
'Sovereign citizens' may 'not consent' to lawful directions, but what's the full story, and how should practitioners deal with them?
Ella Scoles
Nearly one year into the Human Rights Act 2019 and early signs are promising that human rights are having a practical and meaningful impact on the development of new laws, public sector decision making and the decisions of Queensland Court and Tribunals.
Megan Fairweather

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