
QLS raises privacy concerns on access to vehicle-generated data

In a submission to the National Transport Commission (NTC), Queensland Law Society President Luke Murphy has expressed concern over government access to vehicle-generated data, including location citing and tracking.

The QLS submission pointed out that the analysis of de-identified vehicle data could be used to identify driver behaviours and habits which could bring forth serious privacy and law enforcement implications.

Mr Murphy said that privacy law issues must be considered in more detail as the NTC develops the concepts put forward in its discussion paper.

Though supportive of exploring the development of a co-regulatory framework as proposed in the NTC’s discussion paper, Mr Murphy warned that the development of the framework should be closely monitored in its early stages to ensure that the right balance would be struck between the needs of various stakeholders.

If unreasonable concessions were required on matters such as data security, then QLS suggested that a regulated framework should be considered.

Regarding the purpose for which government would collect vehicle-generated data, QLS recognised its potential relevance to current events.

TR CoCounsel

“Vehicle-generated data is particularly relevant in analytics on vehicle movement/location tracking, an important issue in tackling COVID-19,” Mr Murphy said.

“Accordingly, QLS submits that consideration be given to defining the priority purpose as safety, not just road safety.”

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