Members sought for Committee of Management of the Legal Practitioners Fidelity Guarantee Fund

Three or four new members are sought for the Committee of Management of the Legal Practitioners Fidelity Guarantee Fund (COM), commencing in January/February 2021.

The committee determines claims made on the fidelity fund. The fund recompenses members of the public who lose trust money due to the dishonest actions of associates, both professional and lay, of a law practice.

The committee consists of members of Council and other members of the profession. A majority of its membership must be members of Council. It schedules morning meetings every four to five weeks. These sometimes do not proceed if there are no claims to consider. There are usually six or more meetings a year. They take 60 to 90 minutes. The material required to be considered varies but is usually 100 to 200 pages to be read before the meeting.

Interested practitioners should submit and expression of interest and a short CV by 15 October 2020 to Craig Smiley, General Manager Regulation, either by post to GPO Box 1785 Brisbane 4001 or by email to

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