
Restricted aged care homes off limits to practitioners

Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young has confirmed that, while practitioners are able to visit aged care facilities for professional reasons, this does not extend to those facilities which have gone into lockdown.

“For restricted residential aged care facilities, it is critically important to the health and wellbeing of residents that access is strictly limited to only those persons essential to the running of the facility,” Dr Young said. “A decision to restrict access to an aged care facility will be made where there is an increased risk of COVID-19 transmission in the local district area under which the facility operates.”

Dr Young was responding to a letter from Queensland Law Society President Luke Murphy, who raised member concerns about obtaining timely access to clients residing in aged care facilities to provide professional services, such as preparing wills and enduring powers of attorney.

Mr Murphy had asked whether an exemption similar to that in the Hospital Visitors Direction could be approved.

Current restrictions on entry to aged care facilities and other matters are covered by Aged Care Direction No.9. More details, including a list of restricted aged care facilities, are available from Queensland Health.

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