
Southport District Court update

The Gold Coast District Law Association has kindly provided the following update on procedures at the Southport District Court:

Administrative adjournment forms (forms 1-4)

These forms were introduced in the early part of the COVID-19 situation to assist in adjourning matters without the need for an appearance. It has been decided that this process can now cease for Southport matters. However, other courts may still be accepting those forms.

Applications for adjournment or re-listing can be made by requesting the matter be mentioned so the mentions judge can consider the request, or by making the application on the day of the court event.

Criminal callovers

The registry has been listing matters on the callover by grouping them according to which firm is on the record. This was done to assist parties appearing by telephone.


Now that most practitioners are appearing in person, the list clerk will resume listing matters in the usual order (that is, older matters and priority matters will be listed first).

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