The Titles Registry, including all lodgement offices, will close during the 2020-2021 Christmas-New Year holiday period from Friday 25 December 2020 to Friday 1 January 2021 inclusive. During the closure period, documents cannot be lodged with the Titles Registry.
The Brisbane Titles Registry office will close at 4pm on Thursday 24 December 2020 and re-open at 9am on Monday 4 January 2021. Information regarding available services and business hours for other offices is available online.
To avoid processing delays, it is advisable that, where possible, you prioritise your lodgements leading up to this closure period. Please do not leave everything to the last week of the year.
Although lodgements cannot be accepted during this closure period, eLodgement users and eConveyancing subscribers will still be able to access the relevant systems to prepare documents intended to be lodged from 4 January 2021. Further information about using these services can be found via the eLodgement and eConveyancing link.
Legal assistance sector funding welcomed
Director of Community Legal Centres Queensland, Rosslyn Monro AM, has welcomed “vital” funding for the legal assistance sector. More than $666 million in State and Commonwealth funding has been announced…
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