
COVID-19: Update from Supreme and District Courts

The Queensland Supreme District and Land Courts Service has provided the following update for members’ attention in response to the significant restrictions imposed in the Greater Brisbane areas over the coming days:

Brisbane, Ipswich and Beenleigh Courthouses

In Brisbane, Ipswich and Beenleigh, ONLY urgent applications will proceed on Monday AND Tuesday (11 and 12 January 2021). The presiding judge will determine whether such urgent applications can proceed by Pexip or teleconference and consider requests for personal appearances.   In conjunction with the presiding applications’ judges, all other matters will be adjourned/re-listed to a date from Wednesday 13 January 2021.   No jury trials will proceed before Monday, 18 January 2021. 

Please avoid attending any of these registries on Monday 11 January or Tuesday 12 January 2021 if at all possible.   If it is vital for there to be personal attendance, access the courthouse will only be allowed for those wearing a mask on the basis that it is worn at all times in the building.

A drop box will be provided in the QEII as the preferred method of interaction where documents MUST be filed on Monday or Tuesday.  The doors to the Ipswich and Beenleigh courthouses will be closed but a telephone number will be provided for access to file documents etc.

Outside of Greater Brisbane

TR CoCounsel

Everywhere except for the Ipswich, Brisbane and Beenleigh courts will continue to operate as usual but, due to prisoner availability, it may be necessary to adjust listings in consultation with the presiding judge because a prisoner is in one of the affected South East Queensland centres or required to transfer there to appear.

Videoconferencing may be arranged but no personal appearance from a SEQ centre is possible until at least COB Monday 11 January 2021.  The need for prisoners to be relocated (e.g. if a prisoner is required for court on Wednesday, they may need to be moved by COB Monday) may also affect scheduled matters.  Similarly, the Court is anticipating adjournment requests where parties, witnesses or legal representatives reside in one of the affected locations.

Information will be added to the courts website shortly.

We are advised that a further update from the Magistrates Court is expected.

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