
Goals every lawyer should have in 2021

Happy 2021! It’s a new year which means fresh motivation and new opportunities. After 2020, it’s safe to say, most people are glad to be looking to the future.

To understand the goals driving the legal profession in the New Year, I went straight to the horse’s mouth and spoke to a number of lawyers – including some members of the QLS Future Leaders Committee–to find out what their want to achieve professionally and personally in 2021.

Here’s what they think lawyers should be prioritising in 2021

Be adaptable and embrace change

If it’s one thing 2020 taught us, it’s how to be adaptable to dramatic change. The year saw many lawyers move their work entirely online, including court proceedings and witness legal documents. It was definitely tough, to begin with, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?

Minnie Hannaford believes staying adaptable is the key to a successful 2021. “A goal I think all lawyers should have is to become comfortable with adapting to change. This applies to work, life and the balance of both,” Minnie says.

Get creative and innovative

Working in a creative workplace has many benefits to your not only yourself but your colleagues too. It results in more progressive and productive teamwork and morale as well as improved problem-solving skills.

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Think outside the box! That’s Simon Playford’s advice for 2021. “Making time to explore ideas and think creatively is so important. Our profession can’t innovate if we continue to think inside the box,” he says.

Prioritise wellness and mental health

Many of us experience significant upheaval during 2020 with global restrictions and isolation from close family and friends. It was certainly a year that challenged us mentally and emotionally and taught us the importance of balance and making mental health a priority.

Wellbeing expert Rebecca Niebler explains the importance of leaning into your capacity for compassion and that all starts with yourself. Be there for yourself and keep your cup full so that you are able to provide leadership and support to others.

Lawyer Georgia Athanasellis says she’s going to be kinder to herself this year. “I think the advice I’d give myself and other young lawyers is to be kind to yourself, check in on one another and get outside and enjoy some fresh air and sunlight every day!”

The future is always uncertain, but whatever 2021 brings … surely it won’t be as bad as 2020?

Let’s check back in 12 months!

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