Applications for appointment as an Ordinary Member of the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) close at 5pm tomorrow, Wednesday 15 September.
Ordinary Members hear and decide matters as the President determines appropriate and hold office for at least three years, but not more than five years, pursuant to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009.
An applicant is eligible for appointment as an Ordinary Member only if the person is an Australian lawyer of at least six years standing, or who has, in the Minister’s opinion, special knowledge, expertise or experience relating to a class of matter for which functions may be exercised by the tribunal. Qualifications in alternative dispute resolution are highly desirable.
An information pack, including information about QCAT’s jurisdictions, the purpose of the role, eligibility requirements, remuneration rates, and how to apply is available. A completed QCAT application form is required.
For more information, please contact the Principal Project Officer on 07 3564 7522 or email
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