Missing wills – December 2021


Would any person or firm holding or knowing the whereabouts of a Will of the late MARGOT ELIZABETH MARSHALL of 6 Loye Street, North Toowoomba, QLD, born 15 February 1958 and who died 2 December 2021, please contact John Smith of Crowley Greenhalgh solicitors on 07 3378 6655 or info@crowleygreenhalgh.com.au.


If any person or firm holding or knowing of any Wills of the late STEPHEN GEORGE RYAN, previously of 26 Kildonan Place, Bethlehem, 3110Tauranga, North Island in New Zealand and of 26-1-2401, Greentown Azure Apartment, Xianzhou Road, Gaoling Town, Daishan County, Danshan City, Zhejiang Province, China, and of 2-1-602 Park Ave No. 66. Qing Quan North Road. Wenjiang District 611136. Chengdu. Sichuan, China, who died on 16 October 2021, date of birth 3 December 1971, please contact Duncan MacDougall of FC Lawyers, Brisbane club Tower, Level 8, 241 Adelaide Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 Phone: (07) 3035 4030 Email: duncan@fclawyers.com.au.


We believe the above Mr Roser of 5/9 Railway Parade, Nundah (DOB 13/2/1963) may have made a new Will in late 2020/early 2021. Please check your records and contact Mr Bill Redpath at Hawkes Lawyers, Buderim at bill@hawkeslawyers.com.au or (07) 5445 4711 if your offices may hold records or a Will for Mr Roser on file.


Would any person or firm holding or knowing the whereabouts of a Will of the late Rodney Noel Lawrence of 20 Turquoise Street, Holland Park, Brisbane , born 6th October 1926 and died 18th December 2020, please contact Peter David Lawrence on 0413164937 or email peterlawrence@live.com.au.


Would any person or firm holding or knowing the whereabouts of a will or other document purporting to embody the testamentary intentions of CHRISTOPHER MATAUPU late of 16 Grampian Street, Springfield Lakes (formerly of Auckland, New Zealand) born 22 January 1986 who died between 6 and 7 September 2015 date please contact Katrina Powell of Neilsons Lawyers Limited, PO Box 13 723, Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand, 0064 9 622 4205 or katrina@neilsonslawyers.co.nz.


Would any person or firm holding or knowing the whereabouts of a Will of the late John Barr Ogilvy (DOB: 13 March 1933) of Ozcare Labrador, 52 Imperial Parade, Labrador in the State of Queensland who died on 12 October 2021. please contact John Smith of Gall Standfield & Smith Solicitors, PO Box 259, Southport QLD 4215, telephone (07) 5532 5944 or email jsmith@gsslaw.com.

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Missing wills listed after June 2020 are available here.

Earlier listings appear in the Classifieds section of editions of Proctor, which are available  in this archive.

New missing wills notifications received during the month are added to this document.

For information on advertising a missing will, please email advertising@qls.com.au.

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