
New CCC chair appointed

A former New South Wales Ombudsman who served a short stint as acting Queensland Integrity Commissioner has been appointed chief of the state’s criminal watchdog.

Bruce Barbour on Friday became chair of Queensland’s Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC), a role he has been filling on an acting basis for more than six months after the unexpected resignation of prominent barrister Alan MacSporran QC.

Mr MacSporran, who was in the role for more than six years, stepped down as CCC Chair on 25 January.

Attorney-General Shannon Fentiman said Mr Barbour, who previously served as CCC Ordinary Commissioner, had been elevated to the position of permanent commission Chair.

The appointment comes after the role was advertised nationally in accordance with section 227 of the Crime and Corruption Act 2001.

“Following a thorough interview process an independent selection panel made the decision,” Ms Fentiman said. “The Chair of the CCC is one of the most important jobs in Queensland. It is Queensland’s peak anti-corruption agency, and I have the utmost confidence that Mr Barbour will lead the organisation with distinction.”

TR CoCounsel

Mr Barbour was first appointed to CCC as an Ordinary Commissioner in 2021, with the bipartisan support of the Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee (PCCC).

Ms Fentiman said Mr Barbour’s extensive experience included 15 years as NSW Ombudsman, stints as a senior member of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, a member of the NSW Casino Control Authority, chair of the NSW Public Interest Disclosures Steering Committee, a member of the NSW Institute of Criminology Advisory Committee, regional Vice President of the International Ombudsman Institute and Convenor of the NSW Child Death Review team.

When former Chair Alan MacSporran publicly announced his decision to resign on 25 January, he said: “Many people have urged me to continue in this important role, despite the recent finding contained in the report of the (PCCC).

“However, I find myself in a position where, despite a career spanning in excess of 40 years, where my honesty and integrity have never been questioned, it is clear to me that the relationship between myself and the PCCC has broken down irretrievably.

“This saddens me deeply.”

In October, the PCCC tabled a report in Queensland Parliament which recommended a commission of inquiry into the CCC’s structure after finding it breached its duty to remain independent and impartial.

TR CoCounsel
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