
MAIC improves CTP claim portal

The Motor Accident Insurance Commission’s (MAIC) Innovation team has made significant improvements to the accessibility of its Queensland compulsory third party (CTP) claim portal.

Legal practitioners are now able to have their own, individual dashboard in the Qld CTP claim portal, with each law firm able to register as a business and create their own, internal workgroups. The new updates also allow firms to internally control the portal registration of their staff members and assign staff to appropriate workgroups, allowing members to view, edit and submit forms created in that workgroup.

User access for individuals and workgroups can also be managed in various dashboards, including eNOAC, treatment plan and rehabilitation and reimbursement requests, resulting in improved privacy protection for the claimant’s information and improved internal control of access for law firms.

MAIC has created this co-designed solution to more efficiently support users and improve claimant processes, in response to feedback from key stakeholders. Prior to the recent improvements, only the person who drafted a form along with one other staff member were able to view, edit and submit a form in the claim portal. Law firms also had to notify MAIC when a staff member left the firm for security purposes, in order to deactivate the user account on the claim portal.

To access the new features or to express interest in being involved in future improvements, contact MAIC’s Innovation team at

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