It’s Wills Week 2022, and this year’s focus is the need to plan ahead and protect your loved ones, including precious pets.
Public Trustee Samay Zhouand is calling on all Queenslanders to consider making a will and appointing someone to look after their pets.
“Talking about advance life planning can be confronting but it’s essential to plan ahead,” Mr Zhouand said. “With more people working from home than ever before, there’s been a boom in pet ownership, and we’re encouraging everyone to consider who’ll take care of their beloved pets if they are no longer around.
“By making a will or giving someone enduring power of attorney to look after your affairs if you can’t, you can ensure your wishes will be taken into account.”
The Wills Week website features free webinars hosted by the Public Trustee and Queensland Law Society, plus information on making a will and enduring power of attorney.
Queensland Law Society President Kara Thomson said supporting Queensland Wills Week was an opportunity to help educate Queenslanders about succession law, as well as the value of planning ahead.
“Not having a will means extra stress on your loved ones, and additional costs at a very difficult time,” Ms Thomson said. “Making a will is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family, but just as important is the conversation you have with a solicitor before you make a will.
“People are often surprised to learn that some of their assets may not be dealt with in their will, and other steps are necessary to implement an estate plan.
“It’s vital to have professional advice, and solicitors right across Queensland can provide this, including 43 accredited as specialists in succession law. You can find a solicitor to help you using our Find a Solicitor search tool on the Queensland Law Society website.”
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