
QCase portal now live at QCAT Brisbane

QCase will be live in the Brisbane Magistrates Courts this month.

The new digital civil case management portal, QCase, has been released on its first pilot site at the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) Brisbane.

QCAT Brisbane Tribunal users can now file and manage their minor civil dispute matters online using QCase, including minor debt disputes (up to $25,000), residential tenancy disputes, consumer and trader disputes, and dividing fence disputes

Magistrates Courts soon

With the successful release of QCase within its pilot site, the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (DJAG) is now preparing to roll out QCase into Magistrates Courts in a staged release later this year.

To keep updated of future release dates in the Magistrates Courts and for more information on QCase including FAQs, visit the Queensland Court’s QCase webpage.

The new portal

The new QCase system allows registered users (legal profession, self-represented litigants and other court users) to commence proceedings, securely file documents, search cases and inspect documents for Magistrate Court civil proceedings and QCAT minor civil disputes.

The new system supports a fully digital civil case management functionality and will deliver many benefits, including:

TR CoCounsel
  • online civil case file and minor civil dispute lodgement
  • a user portal to manage case details, status and history of lodgements
  • ability to lodge matters in bulk online
  • ability for legal firms to manage their own users and cases
  • a public-facing search facility.

How to register

Users visiting QCase for the first time will be asked to log in with either their myGovID or QGov account where they will need to prove their ‘digital identity’.

QCAT Brisbane Tribunal users can register and log into QCase now.

Next steps

DJAG will continue to consult with key stakeholders to support Magistrates Courts release dates and transition to using the QCase system.

More information and resources for QCase, including what it means for court users and how to get ready for the new system, will be delivered prior to release.

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