
QUT law graduate wins QLS ethics award

Stafford Shepherd presents Zoe Platt with the Queensland Law Society Prize for the top performing student in Ethics and the Legal Profession

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) law graduate Zoe Platt was announced as the 2022 highest achieving student in the subject ‘Ethics and the Legal Profession’ last week.

Adjunct Professor and Queensland Law Society Principal Ethics and Practice Counsel Stafford Shepherd presented Ms Platt with the QLS student prize in ethics at the QUT Faculty of Business and Law Prize Ceremony on Tuesday evening.

The study of legal ethics and its application is a core competency for all potential lawyers to consider and study. Mr Shepherd said that, in receiving this award, Ms Platt had demonstrated excellence in her understanding of the law that governs legal practitioners.

“More importantly, Ms Platt has a fundamental understanding of the principles and concepts that underlie the practice of law and its relationship to the courts, our clients, our colleagues and the community,” he said.

Ms Platt has recently commenced working at Allens as a law graduate, having completed her double degree in law and information technology last year.

The final grade in the 2022 QUT legal ethics unit was divided equally between a submission to a law reform review and an end-of-semester exam. Ms Platt said the area of study had given her a greater appreciation of the significance of integrity, trust and personal responsibility within the legal profession.

“One of the most important takeaways for me was the importance of developing a strong moral compass as a solicitor,” she said. “When faced with ethical dilemmas, we must take responsibility for our actions ourselves and uphold the values of integrity and trust in the legal system.

“I believe that this understanding will be invaluable as I continue to develop my legal career, and I look forward to upholding these values in my future role as a legal practitioner.”

Law award recipients and donors, QUT Faculty of Business and Law Prize Ceremony 2023

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