Retiring Judge Rinaudo honoured in court ceremony

Judge Rinaudo, QLS President Chloé Kopilović and Gerry Murphy AM at this morning's function.

Long-serving District Court judge and magistrate Judge Ray Rinaudo was honoured at a valedictory ceremony in the Banco Court in Brisbane today.

Queensland Law Society President Chloé Kopilović paid tribute to his Honour, detailing his contributions as a magistrate and Chief Magistrate, and also highlighting his extensive involvement with QLS, including his role as President in 1991-92.

“In your time as a magistrate, your Honour constituted courts at Southport and Charleville, servicing Roma, Mitchell, Cunnamulla, Quilpie and Tambo – an area of over 400,000 kilometres,” she said. “In all those days your Honour had a reputation for being compassionate, articulate and unwavering in your commitment to fairness and justice.

“In your Honour’s role as Chief Magistrate of Queensland, your Honour championed the reforms recommended by Dame Quentin Bryce in the ‘Not Now, Not Ever’ report and supported the roll out of specialist domestic violence courts in Queensland.

“Your Honour also oversaw the roll out of Murri Courts which recommenced in 2016. These initiatives are but a small widow to the compassion and care that your Honour has shown for the vulnerable in the Queensland community.”

Ms Kopilović said Judge Rinaudo had maintained an engagement and relationship with QLS from the late 1970s to this day.


“It could almost be said your Honour has QLS in the blood, as our history records that your Honour served articles under former President Gerry Murphy AM, and you were frequently seen carrying bundles of Law Society material around the city during the years Gerry was a member of the Council.

“Your Honour’s time came too and your Honour was a member of Council from 1986 to 1993, and President from 1991 to 1992. It is said those were testing times for a Law Society President, with public concern about the interest on trust accounts, a lack of appropriate funding for legal aid and community legal centres and a concern that Queensland legislation needed greater scrutiny and oversight to safeguard the rights and liberties of individuals.”

Judge Rinaudo paid particular tribute and offered thanks to his wife Margaret and to Gerry Murphy for the key roles they had played in the progression of his career.

QLS Symposium 2023 – opening keynote address by Judge Orazio (Ray) Rinaudo AM

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