
QLRC releases mine lease objections paper

The Queensland Law Reform Commission (QLRC) has released its first background paper for its review of mining lease objections processes.

The review started on 5 June 2023 and the QLRC is releasing a series of background papers, which are intended to provide information on topics relevant to the review and prompt discussion.

QLRC Executive Director Matthew Corrigan said the mining review team had begun extensive consultation with a wide range of individuals to understand how the mining lease objection process was working in practice.

“These community conversations are critical in determining what is working well and what is not working. We start all our reviews with questions and not answers,” Mr Corrigan said.

“This first background paper has been informed by the meetings initiated by the mining review team. They’ve travelled both within Queensland and to New South Wales to gain an insight and understanding from stakeholders, including industry, government, First Nations people, environmentalists, land holders, academics and community organisations.”

He said the background paper was intended to explain what the review was about; identify our principles and the key issues; give a summary of the current application and objection processes for mining leases and associated environmental authorities and identify other relevant laws; and provide information about the process and timeline.

For more information on the review and to read the Background paper, go to Current reviews | QLRC. The Commission has also produced a short video on the review, which can be viewed on its website.

A consultation paper will be published by the end of May 2024. It will include questions for consultation and ask for submissions, to be made by the end of July.

The final report with recommendations will be given to the government by 30 June 2025.

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